skyrise rooftop tent RSS

Bumper guard, bumperguard, lift kit, liftkit, lp aventure, lpaventure, offroad, offroad subaru, outback, skidplate, skyrise rooftop tent, sparco, subaru, subaru lift kit, subaru outback, tillak, yakima, yakima skyrise -

Brand: Subaru Model: Outback 2.5iYear: 2018Couleur: Magnetite Gray Metallic Owner: Jason FitzgibbonBenefit Corporation: Tillak  Modifications: Bumper guard: LP Aventure bumper guard - Big model - with front plate option Skid plate: LP Aventure skid plateLift kit: LP Aventure lift kit Accessories: LP Aventure Jack extension Tires: Kumho Road Venture AT51 - 245/65 R17 Roof top tent: Yakima SkyRise rooftop tent  Crossbars: Yakima Corebars If you are looking for a similar build, we will be more than happy to help and provide a proposal to you! Call or write to us: / 1 (866) 562-1316 Si vous êtes intéressés par un projet semblable, nous serons plus qu'heureux de vous orienter et vous envoyer une soumission! Appelez ou...

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