LP Aventure Ambassadors - The Naviguessers
We (Emily and Alicia) met in Kindergarten and our friendship has grown through years in Math classes, band camp, sports teams and hiking. After years of moving to and living in California, Emily moved back to Washington and her roots while Alicia stayed in California with her newly found roots.
Emily is an adventurer. Not an adrenaline chaser but a deep down, life experiencing, point of view changing adventure seeker. She easily says yes to most anything that is proposed to her by people that she loves. If someone close to her wants to experience something, she certainly wants to be along for her own experience. Alicia proposed joining the Rebelle Rally and Emily had to say yes to see how she would manage the challenge.
Alicia stumbled across the Rebelle Rally via social media and was immediately intrigued. Her first thought was that she could totally do this, and that it should be a bucket list item. Her second thought was that she knew Emily would say yes and be the yin to her yang. Even though she had only been a passenger during off road driving up until then, she knew she could learn. Over the last few years Alicia set a goal to push herself out of her comfort zone, and if an opportunity arose, and was possible, she needed to do it.
When we attended a four day training course, Rebelle U, in the California desert in 2017 we found that the years of close friendship make us an excellent driving/navigation team. Knowing the strength and weakness of a partner as well as how to motivate and support them is crucial to excelling at this type of undertaking.
We took on the 3rd annual Rebelle Rally in 2018 and came in second place in the Crossover Division!!! In a nut shell, the rally is teams of women navigating off road to checkpoints with just a map and compass. We camp the whole time beginning in Tahoe, CA, heading through Nevada and ending in San Diego, CA. It is the longest navigation rally in the United States and it happens to be for women. We cannot wait to take on the 2019 competition with our new bumper cover, skid plate and differential cover from LP Aventure.
Be sure to follow us on Instagram (@naviguessers)!!